Acting Bio

I have an Associate Degree in Acting from the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. To complete my training, I’ve studied Shakespeare at LAMDA, Suzuki and Viewpoints with Siti Company (NY) and have attended various drop-in classes and workshops since I moved back to Europe (e.g. AMAW, Free Association Improv, Daniel Dresner and Actor Center in London; Central de Cine in Madrid).

You can view my film and TV credits through my IMDB link.

In addition to my acting experience on screen and stage, I have also worked in corporate role play, and as a host and presenter.

I’m represented by Union Management and a member of Equity. CV sample through my Spotlight UK. No commercial conflict (2022).

Feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you would like to see my full CV.


Video Reels


English Language Acting Reel

Spanish Language: Acting Workshop & Lockdown Sketch excerpts

French Language Acting Reel

English Language: Clips from Mockumentary-style cooking show self-shot during lockdown.